
We are based in Riverside, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. We offer structured and solid results-oriented programme for children who need help to come up to their grade level. We have individualised programmes for children who are aspirational and have the ability to work above their grade level as well. At Matrixx Education Centre we are all about getting children to work at their highest potential as we facilitate the process for them to do so. Watching kids grow into confident self-learners is what we are all about. Give your child the Matrixx advantage and watch them enjoy the process of learning and mastering subjects as never before. Don’t let your child miss out!!!


Improved School Results

Better Study Techniques

Increased Motivation

Increased Self-Esteem

Enhanced Learning Abilities

Building Relationship

Our Vision

To see every child become aspirational and reach for the stars.

Our Mission

To be every child’s advocate who motivates them to work at their highest potential

Get in Touch

Contact us today to apply or get more information.

Our Programmes

We offer ONLINE TUTORIALS for Mathematics, English, General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Computer Science – Grades 1 – 12

Our USP is that our model of teaching is aspirational, not compliance-driven. We are not grade driven but ability driven. We also assign homework in order to consolidate learning even after the child completes the tutorial. Each study plan is individualised to the child’s ability and designed to motivate him to reach his highest potential.

We have:

  • Goal-oriented individualised study plans.
  • Student-centred, flexible and ability driven.
  • Aligned to ACARA & International curriculum.
  • Small groups with dedicated tutors.
  • Multi-pronged approach with a combination of drill sheets, practice worksheets & computer-based tasks.
  • Strong focus on fostering independent study habits.
  • Visible and tangible positive results in a short time frame.

Client Testimonials

What our clients say about us

Subjects We Offer




General Science

Life Science

Physical Science

Chemical Science

Earth & Space Science


English Writing


Vedic Maths

What makes us better than our competitors?


  • Aligned to ACARA and International Curriculum
  • Ability based and not grade driven.
  • Multi- pronged approach – drill sheets, work sheets & computer-based tasks
  • Setting study goals in realistic timeframes
  • Structured and individualized study plans
  • Study plans kept current and relevant to student’s school curriculum.
  • Consolidate learning by assigning daily homework – develop good study habits
  • Use analytics to track skills mastered in real time
  • Student centered and self paced program
  • Good track record of achieving tangible results.
  • Personal and timely communication with parents.
  • Transparency on study plans with parents.
  • Well priced and good value for money.


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